Recent Additions to the Website

3-07-25: A new Article, “The 4th Pier: Galaxy Scope, Part 2 - The Mount!” was added to the Gear Page

02-13-25: Added new Video: “Whispering Skies Observatory Update: SkyRoof, Manual Lockdowns, and Pier Preparation” in the video section.

02-12-25: The Image Project “Messier 42 - The Great Orion Nebula” from 2019 was updated.

02-08-25: A new Article, “The 4th Pier: Choosing A Galaxy Scope for my Observatory,” was added to the Gear Section

01-25-25: A new article, “Whispering Skies Observatory: Developing a Computer and Networking Strategy!” was added.

01-07-25: A new article, ”Metablog #14: Welcome 22025!” has been posted in the Metablog section.

01-05-25: A new Article, ”Observatory Update: Naming Your Observatory,” was added to the Observatory section.

12-23-24: A new Article, “Observatory Update: Powering Up the Observatory,” was posted in the observatory section.

12-6-24: A new Article, “Observatory Update: Roughing In the Electric and Pouring the Slab Floor!” was posted in the Observatory section.

11-30-24: A new article: “Observatory Update: Building the Structure!” was posted in the Observatory Section.

11-22-24: A new video, “Observatory Update: Roofing, Skins, and Test Opening the Roof!” was posted in the video section.

11-12-24: A new video, “Observatory Update: Walls, Outrigger, and Roof Framing!” was posted in the video section.

11-08-24: A new Article: “Observatory Update: Laying the Foundation” in the Observatory Section.

11-07-22: A new video, “Laying the Foundation,” is in the video section.

11-03-24: Added a new Image project: Reprocessing Project: Messier 31 - The Andromeda Galaxy (6 hours in LHaRGB)

10-21-24: A new Article: “Awash in Ancient Photons - A Perspective on Astrophotography” was added to Tips and Techniques

10-09-24: A new Imaging Project: NGC 7822 - The Central Portion of the Question Mark Nebula (~14 hours in SHOrgb)

09-26-24: Updated the Software Tools Page.

09-26-24: Added some new links and resources to the Resources Page.

09-20-24: A new imaging project, “SH2-119 The Clamshell Nebula (3.5 Hours in SHO) - An Unintended Image,” was added.

09-09-24: Added a blog companion to the Custom Telescope Pier III video in the Observatory Section

09-08-24: Added a new video, “Observatory Update: Custom Telescope Piers III - Painted and Complete!” to the video section

09-05-24: Added a blog companion to the Breaking Ground Video in the Observatory section

09-01-24: Added a new video, “Observatory Project: Breaking Ground! Excavation Complete!” to the video section.

08-25-24” Added a video companion to the “Observatory Project: A Final Update Before We Break Ground” post

08-21-24: Added a new Article, “Observatory Project: A Final Update Before We Break Ground!” to the Observatory section

08-14-24: Added video companion to “Observatory ProjectL Making the Roof Open” in the Video Content section.

07-31-24: Finally! A new Imaging Project! “SH2-82 - The Little Cocoon Nebula - 7.3 Hours in LRGB

07-25-24: Added a new Metablog: “Metablog Update #13 - Our Third Anniversary!

07-23-24: Added a new Article, “Observatory Project: Opening The Roof!” to the Observatory Quest Section

07-16-24: Added a companion blog to “Observatory Update: Final Roof Track System Hardware Selections!

07-15-24: Added a new Video: “Observatory Update: Final Roof Track System Hardware Selections!

07-11-24: Added a new Video: “Observatory Project: Designing Custom Steel Piers - Part 2 - Cutting Parts With a 4000-watt CO2 Laser!

07-11-24: Added a new Post: “Observatory Project: Designing Custom Steel Piers - Part 2 - Cutting Parts With a 4000-watt CO2 Laser!

07-01-24: Added a new Video Companion for the Observatory Project: Designing Custom Steel Piers - Part I” blog

06-29-24: Added a new Article, “Observatory Project: Designing Custom Steel Piers - Part I” in the My Gear->Observatory Section

06-13-24: Added a new Article:  “Observatory Project: Galvanic Corrosion and a Change in Track Selection!” in the video section

06-09-24: Added a new Video “Observatory Update: Designing the Roll-Off-Roof Track System!” to the Video Section

05-29-24: Added “Observatory Update: Designing the Roll-Off-Roof Track System!” to the My Gear->Observatory Section

05-20-24: Added a new video “Observatory Update: Land and a Plan - Now How Do We Get Started?”

05-13-24: Added a new video ““My Observatory Quest: Success! The Search For Land with Larger Skies”

05 08-24: Added a new video “Designing my Roll-Off-Roof Observatory” in the Video Section

04-21-24: Added a video companion to “Building My Dream Astro Man Cave Post” in the Video Section

04-16-24: Added “The Move is Complete, Now Pivoting to the Observatory Project!” to the My Gear->Observatory Section

4-15-24: Added “New House - Building My Dream Astrophotography Man Cave!” to the Gear Section

03-19-24: Added “My Journey into Astrophotography”: A Talk Given to the Astrophotography Section of the Hertford Astronomy Group

02-29-24: Added a new Imaging Project: A Reprocess of SH2-157, The Lobster Claw Nebula - 4.25 hours in SHO

02-11-24: New Tips & Techniques post: “GPU Enhanced Processing - How to get this working!”

12-18-23: Added “Cosgrove’s Cosmos Metablog Update #12” to the Metablog Section

12-18-23: Added Capturing the Universe from my Driveway! My 12-11-23 at Monroe Community College ” to the presentations page

11-02-23: Added An Observatory Project Update: Success! We Just Bought A Property and Will Be Moving!

10-21-23: Added a new Presentation: Astrophotography Today - Capturing the Universe from my Driveway!” given on September 27th to the Rochester Chapter of the Association for Imaging Science & Technology.

10-15-23: Added a new Imaging Project: WR 134 - A Wolf-Rayet Star Region In Cygnus- 15.5 Hours in SHO

10-05-23: Added a new Imaging Project: NGC 6914 - The Spider Nebula (my name!) - 14.5 Hours in SHOrgb

09-29-23: Added a new Imaging Project: SH2-112 - A Diffuse Emission Nebula in Cygnus - 15.7 Hours in SHOrgb

08-26-23: Added a new Imaging Project: A Reprocess of SH2-132 The Lion Nebula in SHO (8.33 hours)

08-19-23: New Video “Tough Year for Astro Captures? Then Discover Better Images Hidden In Old Data!“ added to the Video Section

08-13-23: Updated the Resouces Page to include links on the Herschel Catalog, Quasar Info, and YouTube Channel links.

08-09-23: Added a new Imaging Project: A Reprocess of DWB 111/119 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO ~ 10 hours

07-28-23: Added a new 2-Minute Tutorial: Using Color Masks to Enhance Image Details!

07-27-23: Added a new 2-Minute Tutorial: Using LinearFit to Prepare NB Images for ChannelCombination

07-25-23: Published anew 2-Minute Tutorial: Dealing with Horizontal Banding in Your Images

07-24-23: Published MetaBlog #11 - Cosgrove’s Comos is now Two Years old!

07-20-23: Added a new Imaging Project: A Reprocess of my SH2-101 - THe Tuip Nebula - 12.8 hours of SHOrgb

07-10-23: Added a new 2-Minute Tutrial Video: Using Masks on Masks?

07-07-23: Updated the Publication page for my Messier 27 Image being published in Sky& Telescope, Sept 2023 Issue.

07-07-23: Added a new Imaging Project, a Reprocess of NGC 6888 - The Crecent Nebula - 11 hours in HOOrgb

06-28-23: Added a new Tips and Techniques post: Smoke in Sky - The Impact on Astrophotographers!

06-21-23: New Video “Setting Up 3 Telescopes“ to the Video Section to the Telescope Lifter/Mover section.

06-16-23: Added “The Messier 101 Supernova SN2023ixf ~3 Hrs in LRGB “ to the Imaging Projects Page

06-10-23: Added “Messier 102 - The Spindle Galaxy - 2.0 Hrs in LRGB ” to the Imaging Projects Page

06-05-23: Added “Messier 104 - The Sombrero Galaxy - 1.7 Hrs in LRGB” to the Imaging Projects Page

06-02-23: Added new video on The M27 Reprocess Project onto the Video Content Page

05-30-23: Added the Nasa APOD publication of my reprocessed Messier 27 - The Dumbbell Nebula to the Publication Page

05-29-23: Added a new Imaging Project: M97 - The Owl Nebula and M108 - The Surfboard Galaxy - 4 hours LRGB

05-16-23: Added a new Imaging Project, a Reprocess of my M57 HaLRGB image.

05-07-23: Added “A Video Tour of My Upgraded William Optics 132MM Platform” to the Video Content Page.

05-03-23: Added a new Imaging Project: “Messier 27 - A Reprocess of the Dumbbell Nebula Data in SHO - (10.25 Hours).

04-29-23: Added a New Video on the WO132 Upgrade to Version 4.0 to the Video Section.

04-29-23: Added Version 4 Upgrade Post of my WO132 Platform Version in the Gear Section.

04-21-23: Added new video to Video Content: A Tour of my Astro-Physics 130mm Starfire EDT f/8.35 APO Platform

04-14-23: Added new video to Video Content: A Tour of My Askar FRA400 72mm f/5.6 Quintuplet Astrograph Platform!

04-09-23: Added 10th entry to the “Publication - Images” Page for new profile article in Amateur Astrophotography Magazine

04-07-23: Added a new Metablog Post: “A Personal Side Note: A Surprise Health Issue Will Delay the Start of My Imaging Projects this Year…

04-04-23: Added a new Video, “Astrophotography - Then and Now: Reviewing My Progress!” in the Video section

04-01-23: Added the “Using Logos and Watermarks on Your Images” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-29-23: Added the “A Simple Use of SubframeSelector to Prescreen Your Subs” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-24-23: Added Metabog Update #10

03-22-23: Added the “Using the Blink Process to Asses & Cull Your Subs!” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-17-23: Added the “Using the FindingChart Process!” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-14-23: Added “Using the DarksStractureEnhnce (DSE) Script” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-11-23: Added “Using Previews in Pixinsight” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-11-23: Added “Using Real-Time Previews in Pixinsight” to the 2-Minute Tutorials Section.

03-07-23: Added “Using DBE to remove Gradients” to the 2-Minute Tutorial Section

03-04-23: Added “Setting up for using SPCC” and “Using SPCC to Color Calibrate your image: to 2-Minute Tutorials

03-01-23: Added my new Welcome and Introduction video to the Home page.

03-01-23: Added my new Welcome and Introduction video to the “About…” page.

02-26-23: Added the most recent 2-Minute Tutorial video to the Home page.

02-26-23: Redesigned 2-Minute Tutorial Pages. Adding a Curated Page and a By Date Page.

02-23-23: Added new video to Video Content Page - “Getting Published.”

02-19-23: Tips & Techniques - Getting Published!

02-18-23: My Gear: An Observatory Project Update - One Year In

02-10-23: Added two new 2-Minute Tutorials: Using MLT to Explore Wavelets!, and Using MLT for Sharpening and Noise Reduction.

02—9-23: Added new video to the 2-Minute Tutorial Section - Exploring Wavelts with the ExtractWaveletsScript

01-31-23: Added two new videos to the 2-Minute Tutorial Section - Using HDRMT and LHE to enhance detail

01-25-23: 2-Minute Tutorials - Added 3 more to the collection.

01-23-23: Added a new Automatic Table Of Contents to posts and imaging projects that list headings you can click on for navigation

01-22-23: 2-Minute Tutorials - Added 4 more tutorials to the collection.

01-21-23: 2-Minute Tutorials: Added “Clean Up A Mask, Part 2 - Using CloneStamp

01-21-23: Added new video o the Video Content Section: BlurXTerminator - A Breakthrough in Deconvolution?

01-17-23: Tips & Techniques: BlurXTerminator - A Breakthrough in Deconvolution?

01-09-23: Added a new section under Tips & Techniques: 2-Minutes Tutorials - Pixinsight

01-04-23: Reworked the Gear and Tips & Techniques Menu to primarily use Gallery views

01-02-23: More Info: Added Operating Philosophy and Principals Page

01-02-23: Reworked the Imaging Projects Menu to primarily use Gallery views

01-02-23: Cosgrove’s Cosmos Wraps Up 2022! Metablog Update #9

12-31-22: Video Content: Added video “Changing to the ZWO AM5 Harmonic Mount

12-29-22: My Gear: Askar FRA400 Platform Version 2.0: Changing to the ZWO AM5 Harmonic Mount!

12-13-22: Added “IC 1848 - The Soul Nebula - Project Introduction and Discussion” video to the video section.

12-13-22: IC 1848 - The Soul Nebula - 7.8 hours in SHO (& a Change in Horses Mid-Stride!)

12-3-22: NGC 281 - The Pacman Nebula - 8 hours in SHO (& Fighting a Strange Artifact!)

11-18-22: Melotte 15 - The Heart of the Heart Nebula (IC 1805) - 5.5 hours of SHO

11-13-22: Added NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula” Video to the Video Content Page.

11-13-22: NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula w/M52 - 8.25 hours in SHO - Not Sure I Love it

11-06-22: Added a video introduction and processing overview for the IC 1396A Imaging Project.

11-02-22: IC 1396A - The Elephant’s Trunk - 7.3 hrs in SHO (a Case of Virus Interuptus)

10-01-22: Added a new page: ”Image Honors & Recognitions.

09-30-22: Tips & Techniques: Using Masks as a SUPERPOWER in Pixinsight!

09-23-22: Added the 8th Publication for the year! NGC4565 published in Nov 2022 Astronomy Magazine!

09-17-22: Added New Image to ‘Published Image’ Page - Item #7

09-17-22: NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula - 12.9 hours in HOOrgb

09-11-22: Pickering’s Triangle (NGC 6979) ~ 12 hours in SHO

09-07-22: SH2-114 -The Flying Dragon Nebula - a VERY Faint Challenge Target - 17.5 hours HSSrgb

09-01-22: Added Section, "Talks & Presentations” -  My Astrophotography talk at RocheStar Fest 2022

08-31-22: Home: Added a new Video Content Section

08-31-22: Home: Added “Publication - Articles.”

08-31-22: Home: Added  “Publication - Images.”

08-30-22: My Gear: Askar FRA400 Platform Version 1.5: Adding a Camera Rotator!

08-19-22: A Rich Sagittarius Region, including Messiers 8, 20, and 21 - 3.9 hours in HaRGB

08-08-22: Messier 57 - The Ring Nebula - 14.7 hours in LHaRGB - Capturing the Outer Ring!

07-22-22: Cosgrove’s Cosmos Celebrates its First-Year Milestone! (Update #8)

07-18-22: SH2-73 - An Integrated Flux Nebula in Hercules - 9.8 hours in LRGB

07-09-22: IC 4592 - The Blue Horsehead Nebula - 4.5 hours in LRGB

07-02-22: Messier 13 - The Great Hercule Cluster - 8.5 hours in LRGB - Super Sharp!

06-27-22: Messier 106 Region - 5.7 hours LRGB

06-22-22: Messier 64 - The Black Eye Galaxy - 2.6 hrs in LRGB

06-08-22: NGC 5907/5906 - The Splinter Galaxy - 8 hrs in LRGB

05-21-22: Messier 81/82 Wide Field: 3.5 hours LRGB - A Failed Quest for IFN!

05-13-22: NGC 4565 - The Needle Galaxy - 11.5 hours in LRGB

05-11-22: M101 -The Pinwheel Galaxy in LHaRGB (11 hours)- a third attempt!

04-25-22: Tips and Techniques: Using Richardson-Lucy Wavelet Regularization Parameters in Pixinsight Deconvolution

04-15-22: MetaBlog: Cosgrove’s Cosmos Update #7

04-03-22: IC 2177 - The Seagull Nebula in SHO - Just 2 hours!

04-01-22: NGC 2359 - Thor’s Helmet in SHO ~only 2.5 hours!

03-30-22: Tips and Techniques:  Using The EZ-Decon Script in Pixinsight

03-27-22: Tips and Techniques: Using Deconvolution in Pixinsight (a seven-part series)

03-13-22: Added a new post under My Observatory Project: The Goals of my Observatory Project

03-13-22: Added a new section entitled “My Observatory Project”

02-26-22: Tips and Techniques: Target Selection and Sequence Planning

02-10-22: Tips and Techniques: Astro Cameras: OSC vs. Mono - Which is Best?

02-06-22: Tips & Techniques:  Overcoming Barriers: Wiring up to and Cable Managing Your Telescope Platform

01-29-22: My Gear: A Smaller Footprint Image Processing Computer for Easier Transport

01-26-22: Metablog: Update # 6

01-13-22: Sharpless 2-115 and Abell 71 - 4.0 hours in SHO

01-10-22: NGC 7293, The Helix Nebula ~4.5 hours of LHaRGB: Dealing with “Bad Data”

01—5-22: A Narrow Field Shot of the NGC 1499 - California Nebula - in SHO - 10 Hours

12-30-21 SH2-157 The Lobster Claw Nebula - with NGC 7635 (The Bubble Nebula) in SHO - 4.25 hours.

12- 17-21: IC 1848 - The Soul Nebula - only 2 Hours of NB Data from an Abandoned Project

12-10-21: The Horsehead (B33) and The Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) in LHaRGB - A “Failed” Image

11-30-21: IC 63 - “The Ghost of Cassiopeia” in LHaRGB, ~10 hours

11-23-21: Messier 31 - The Andromeda Galaxy in LHaRGB - 6 hours

11-18-21: SH2-170 - The Little Rosette Nebula in SHO - 7 hours

11-13-21: IC 1805 The Heart Nebula in SHO - 11.5 hours

11-03-21: Metablog: Update #5

10-26-21: Imaging Projects: IC 1396/1396A - The Elephant's Trunk Nebula

10-23-12: Tips & Techniques: The Development Phases of Astrophotography

10-22-21: Metablog: Blackfriars Theater has asked to use my images in their production of "Silent Sky"

10-20-21: Tips & Techniques: My Secret to Mounting Telescope Accessories!

10-18-21: Going Mobile! The First Use of My Portable Rig in a New Location

10-18-21: Askar FRA400 version 1.0:  updated with new and more complete details on the build.

10-05-21: @CosgrovesCosmos Twitter Feed (experimenting with a new feature)

10-05-21: Overcoming Barriers: Flat Calibration Frames

10-05-21: Overcoming Barriers: Polar Alignment

09-19-21: DWB 111/119 - The Propeller Nebula in SHO - 11.9 hours

09-15-21: Messier 27 - The Dumbbell Nebula in Narrowband - 10,25 Hours

09-12-21: SH2-132 The Lion Nebula in SHO (8.33 hours)

09-07-21: Metablog Update #4

09-04-21: Updated the “About” page, adding photos and more history

08-31-21: Another Way to Share Your Astrophotography - Video Slide Shows

08-29-21: Added a new page of Online Resources that I have found useful (More Info)

08-26-21: Updated the image processing on the SH2-101 - the Tulip nebula - see bottom of the page (Imaging Projects)

08-24-21: The Top 10 Errors Beginners Make in Astrophotography (Tips and Techniques)

08-18-21: A Computer, Storage, and Networking Strategy for Astrophotography (My Gear)

08-18-21: Cosgrove’s Cosmos Update #3 (Metablog)

08-16-21: NGC 6820 and NGC 6823 - An Open Cluster w/Nebula - A Grudge Match..(Imaging Projects)

08-11-21: NGC 7000 (The North American Nebula) w/IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) in SHO (Imaging Projects)

08-09-21: SH2-101 - The Tulip Nebula in SHO (Imaging Projects)

08-05-21: Messier 8 - The Lagoon Nebula In the Hubble Palette

08-05-21: Astro Cart - A Mobile Computer Desk for the Driveway (My Gear)

08-03-21: Cosgrove’s Cosmos Update #2 (Metablog)

07-27-21: Update #1 (Metablog)

07-26-21: Messier 24 - The Small Sagittarius Star Cloud - in Widefield LRGB (Imaging Projects)

07-22-21: It’s Alive! (First Metablog)