My Journey into Astrophotography: A Talk Given to the Astrophotography Section of the Hertford Astronomy Group in Hertfordshire, UK.
This is a video of my talk given to the Hertford Astronomy Group Astrophotography Section in Hertfordshire, UK, on March 12th, 2024.
This talk covers my own personal journey into astrophotography and also gets into my preferred image processing workflows and highlights the processing of my recent WR134 image.

Capturing the Universe from my Driveway! My 12-11-23 at Monroe Community College in Rochester, NY
This is a video of my talk given to the Presentation to the students of the Optical Instrumentation & Testing Course at Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY. This talk gives an overview of what is involved in the creation of a Deepsky Astro Photo by following the project to create my Messier 27 image.

Astrophotography Today - Capturing the Universe from my Driveway!
This is a video of my talk given to the Rochester Chapter of IS&T in September of 2023. This talks gives an overview to what is involved in the creation of a Deepsky Astro Photo by following the project to create my Messier 27 image.

My Presentation at RocheStar Fest 2022
This is a video of my talk at RocheStar Fest 2022, organized by the Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Science. The talk gives an overview of my personal journey in astrophotography. Apologies for the video quality. The original recording did not happen and this was constructed from an informal video shot by my wife with her cell phone during the talk. I have used it an exercise in video editing as I lean into the video side of things!