My Journey into Astrophotography: A Talk Given to the Astrophotography Section of the Hertford Astronomy Group in Hertfordshire, UK.
Date: March 12. 2024
This is a video of a Zoom Talk I gave to the Astrophotography Section of the Hertford Astronomy Group located in Hertfordshire, UK.
This talk was captured and edited by Steven Heliczer and is posted here with permission from the Hertford Group.
This talk is about my own journey into astrophotography and also highlights my preferred processing workflows, and provides a high-level walk-through of my processing of a recent image of the WR134 region.
This talk was originally supposed to occur back in December of last year. But as luck would have it, a problem developed with the venue, and we had to reschedule. This was fortuitous for me, as I was closing on a new house the same week as the scheduled talk, and it was a back time for me. It was rescheduled for March 12. Wouldn't you know it - this turned out to be the week that we were placing the old house on the market, and it was 30 minutes before I gave this talk!
I have been absorbed by the new house thing and this talk also acts a my kick-off back into astrophotography-related fun.
The Experience
This is the first talk that I delivered via Zoom, and it was the first done from my new Office/Man Cave/Astro Den! The equipment worked well, and there were no technical glitches.
The Hertford group is a small but dedicated group of folks and it was a real pleasure spending some time with them!
My heartfelt thanks to Kevan Noble for the invite to do this talk and for the logisital help leading up to it.
Also, my thanks to Steve Heliczer for the technical support and the great job creating the video! I really enjoyed this session with the Hertford Group and hope to meet with them again someday - perhaps to report on my observatory build!