Imaging Projects
In this blog, I will share the results of all of my imaging projects. The newest will be at the top and the oldest will be further down the stack. Going back in time here is interesting - some of my early stuff was pretty rough - but I did not see it that way at the time - I was thrilled to get anything back that looked like an image! Hopefully, you will see how my work has progressed with time!

SH2-112 - A Diffuse Emission Nebula in Cygnus - 15.7 Hours in SHOrgb
Finally! Some clear nights and some new fresh from the universe photon data! This imaging project covers SH2-112 - A diffuse emission nebula located about 5,600 light-years away in Cygnus. This is the result of 15.6 hours of SHOrgb data. Not of lot of info is available about this beautiful object, but I find it fascinating to study!

SH2-132 - A Reprocess of The Lion Nebula in SHO (8.33 hours)
This is an Image Reprocessing Project for SH2-132, also known as The Lion Nebula - whose data was originally collected in September of 2021.
The Lion Nebula is a rich HII region with star clusters, emission nebulae, and dark dust regions. Located in the southern portion of the constellation Cepheus, the Lion Nebula is roughly 10,00 light-years away in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is a very faint and challenging target.
This image was taken on the Askar FRA400 Platform with 8.33 hours of exposure in narrowband.

SH2-101 - A Reprocess of The Tulip Nebula - 12.8 Hours in SHOrgb
This is a REPROCESSING PROJECT for Sharpless 101 (specifically Sh2-101) also known as the Tulip Nebula. This object is located approximately 6000 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus (The Swan). This was a 12.8-hour integration with the AP130 platform using the ZWO ASI2600MM-Pro Camera.
I was able to significantly improve the image and am quite pleased with the improvement I was able to produce - but you be your own judge of this!

SH2-114 -The Flying Dragon Nebula - a VERY Faint Challenge Target - 17.5 hours HSSrgb
SH2-114 - The Flying Dragon Nebula - is an extremely faint emission nebula found in Cygnus. This has proven to be a challenging target. Primarily shot as a Bi-Color Narrowband Ha/S2 image, I found it was very hard to see the nebula in a single 5-minute sub! I ended up going back to capture more data over 8 nights in total spanning two moonless cycles. I also collects RBG data so that I could replace the stars with natural color RGB stars. two moonless cycles of the moon to capture data over 8 nights. I ended up with a total of 17.5 hours - my longest integration to date! And still it was a challenge to process this image!

SH2-73 - An Integrated Flux Nebula in Hercules - 9.8 hours in LRGB
SH2-73 was originally cataloged as an emission nebula. This was a mistake - it is actually a reflection nebula, illuminated by the light of the entire Milky Way Galaxy! This makes it an Integrated Flux Nebula, or IFN.
have tried and failed to capture IFN in the past so here is another effort. Just shy of 10 hours of integration - long for me with my tree situation, but still way too short for IFN. I have finally gotten an image of an IFN - even if it is not a very good one!