The Development Phases of Astrophotography
All Astrophotographers go through a series of phases as they develop their skills. This post started as a Tweet series I made that got a positive response from the #Astrophotography tweet community, so I decided to expand on it a bit to create this post!

Overcoming Barriers: My Secret to Mounting Telescope Accessories!
Astrophotography Rigs typically have a lot of accessory equipment mounted to them. How do you mount them? In this post, I share my secret method of attaching Telescope Accessories!

Going Mobile! The First Use of My Portable Rig in a New Location
I built a portable rig to support imaging when I travel. Up until now, I have not actually used it during a trip. This is about to change! I planned how I would break down the rig and package the gear for travel, and I also planed for a remote location that does not have a view of Polaris - so I needed to learn how to drift align with PHD2. Here is the report on my planning and how it all worked out….

Overcoming Barriers: Flat Calibration Frames
There are many barriers to overcome in astrophotography. This is a post in a series addressing how I overcame those barriers. For this article, I discuss doing flat calibration frames. More specifically, how do you get a good light source that is appropriate, reliable, and repeatable? This shows how a $20 LED Tracing Panel could be used for this purpose.

Overcoming Barriers: Polar Alignment
There are many barriers to overcome in astrophotography. This is a post in a series addressing how I overcame those barriers. For this article, I discuss the challenges I had with Polar Alignment and how I resolved that issue by using Polar Alignment Cameras.