Messier 74 - The Phantom Galaxy - 2019 version

Date: Oct 21, 2019

Cosgrove’s Cosmos Catalog #0014

Messier 74 - the Phantom Galaxy (click to enlarge)

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    About the Target

    M74 is a two-armed spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces that is located 32 million light-years away. With its prominent two arms, M74 is considered a classic spiral galaxy form. Having the second lowest surface brightness of all of the objects in the Messier list (M101 being the lowest), this guy is tough to observe visually.

    About the Project

    It proved to be a challenge for me as well. Skies were pretty dark last night, and this image was the result of 64 frames of 180 seconds each - for a total integration time of 3.2 hours - the longest integration I have done yet. This is also the first image for a new scope configuration. I added a top plate to the tube assembly and moved the guide scope to that. This allowed me to add a Pegasus Astro Systems Pocket Powerbox then - this provides power to all devices as well as to two heater straps which are now wrapped around the objectives of the main and guide scopes to prevent dew formation.

    This is a pretty smart setup as it includes a temperature/humidity sensor and only powers the heaters when the condition hits the dew point. I also added a USB 3.0 hub to handle all USB routings for the two cameras, the focus motor, the power box.

    This config worked well for me (no dew!) - but Is still need to clean up the cabling. If I get a chance will add photos of the new config.

    Comments on 08/01/21 as this was added to the Website:

    Hmmm. Where do I start. Early on I was convinced that space was black, so the best thing to do was to clip the sky to black! Non! Non! Non.

    On top of that, I boosted the contrast in the image so much to bring up the galaxy arms that they look weird and unnatural - and I blasted out the stars in the process so that they are clipped on the high end and have a very little color.

    It hurts going back through these old images. What was I thinking!.

    The Annotated Image

    This annotated image of M74 was created by using Pixinsight’s ImageSolver and AnnotateImage Scripts.

    The Location in the Sky

    IAU/Sky & Telescope Constellation Map of Pisces - with M74 marked by the yellow arrow.

    IAU/Sky & Telescope Constellation Map of Pisces - with M74 marked by the yellow arrow.

    More Information

    Capture Details

    Light frames

    • 64 x 180 seconds, bin 1x1 @ -15C, unity gain

    • Total of 3.2 hours.

    Cal Frames

    • Not recorded

    Capture Hardware

    • Scope: Astrophysics 130mm Starfire F/8.35 APO Scope: William Optics 132mm f/7.0 FLT APO

    • Guide Scope: Sharpstar 61EDPHII

    • Camera: ZWO ASI1600mm-pro with ZWO Filter wheel with ZWO LRGB filter set,

    • and Astronomiks 6nm Narrowband filter set

    • Guide Camera: ZWO ASI290Mini

    • Focus Motor: Pegasus Astro Focus Cube 2

    • Camera Rotator: Pegasus Astro Falcon

    • Mount: Ioptron CEM60

    • Polar Alignment: Polemaster camera


    • Capture Software: PHD2 Guider, Sequence Generator Pro controller

    • Image Processing: Deepsky Stacker, Pixinsight, Photoshop - assisted by Coffee, extensive processing indecision and second-guessing, editor regret and much swearing….

    Patrick A. Cosgrove

    A retired technology geek leveraging his background and skills in Imaging Systems and Computers to pursue the challenging realm of Astrophotography. This has been a fascinating journey where Art and Technology confront the beauty and scale of a universe that boggles the mind…. It’s all about capturing ancient light - those whispering photons that have traveled long and far….

    NGC 7023 -The Iris Nebula


    Messier 33 - The Triangulum Galaxy - 2019 Version