Imaging Projects
In this blog, I will share the results of all of my imaging projects. The newest will be at the top and the oldest will be further down the stack. Going back in time here is interesting - some of my early stuff was pretty rough - but I did not see it that way at the time - I was thrilled to get anything back that looked like an image! Hopefully, you will see how my work has progressed with time!

Messier 63 - The Sunflower Galaxy in HaLRGB (First Light on My New ZWO ASI2600MM-Pro Camera!)
Messier 63, The Sunflower Galaxy in LRGB. First image using the new ZWO ASI2600mm-Pro Camera!

Messier 8 - The Lagoon Nebula - My First Image Ever!
My First image ever - this is the story about the very first time I setup my new telescope and mount - along with the ASI294MC_Pro camera and got things working enough to get a crude set of first subs that led this image. No color, No Guiding. No Cal frames. Bad focus. But I was thrilled anyway and hooked on this thing we call astrophotography!