Using the GAME Script to Create Quick Masks

2-Minute Tutorials

Jan 22, 2023

This video covers using the GAME script to create masks that create areas of focus for your image.

GAME is a free script that must be added to your Pixinsight install. It allows you to create gradient and other forms of masks from ellipses or more complex shapes.

It is part of a useful set of add-on PixInsight-scripts from Hartmut Bornemann. These can be added by adding a new repository to Pixinsight. The details can be found here:

Patrick A. Cosgrove

A retired technology geek leveraging his background and skills in Imaging Systems and Computers to pursue the challenging realm of Astrophotography. This has been a fascinating journey where Art and Technology confront the beauty and scale of a universe that boggles the mind…. It’s all about capturing ancient light - those whispering photons that have traveled long and far….

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