Using Color Masks to Enhance Image Details!
This video covers the use of Color Masks to selectively enhance the details of an image.
Color Masks are commonly used to target enhancements of color in an image - often using the CurvesTransformation tool. But in many images, areas of high color also have interesting detail associated with them. This video shows how you can use color masks to selectively and differentially enhance details in these color areas.

Using LinearFit to Prepare NB Images for ChannelCombination
This video discusses using the LinearFit Process to prepare Narrowband Images for creating the first color SHO image using Channel Combination.

Dealing with Horizontal Banding in Your Images!
This video discusses the use of the CanonBandReduction script to handle horizontal noise banding artifacts.

Using Masks On Your Mask?
This video discusses the use of masks when creating a new mask! It shows methods where this is done and tools that can be used to facilitate such operations.

Blinking Between Two Images
This video deals with combining two or more masks into one single mask. In effect, it creates a "union" of masks.
This is handy if you have been working on aspects of your image with individual masks and now want to treat all of these elements in a common way.

Using the GAME Script to Create Quick Masks
This video covers using the GAME script to create masks that create areas of focus for your image.
GAME is a free script that must be added to your Pixinsight install.
It allows you to create gradient and other forms of masks from ellipses or more complex shapes.

Cleanup A Mask Part 2: Using CloneStamp!
This video covers using CloneStamp to clean up or modify a mask.
In a previous video, I showed how to use DynamicPaintBrush - a $5 premium tool - to modify a mask. Since that tool is only available for Windows platforms, I created another video showing how you could use CloneStamp to do the same thing.
CloneStamp is a standard tool in Pixinsight and part of each installation regardless of platform.

Adjusting a Star Mask
This video deals with Verifying and Adjusting a Star Mask.
Once you create a star mask, you may want to verify that the mask is giving the protection you want - but how do you do this?
How do you adjust if the stars in your mask seem too small or too large?
This video addresses both issues.

Modify a Mask While in Use!
This video deals with two concepts:
- modifying a mask that is currently in use, thus seeing the impact of that change in real-time review
- Using Convolution to add gradients to masks to soften edges and feather in changes.

Cleaning Up Your Masks!
This video deals with Cleaning up, Editing, or customizing your mask to make them more useful.
This often takes the form of creating the mask with one set of tools and then using another to remove, add, or modify elements of the mask.
In this video, I am using DynamicPainBrush, a $5 premium utility by RBA-Tools, that I think is well worth the $5!

Using RangeSelection to Create a Subject Mask.
This video deals with using the RangeSelection Tool to create a Subject Mask.

Creating and Using a Luminance Mask!
This video deals with creating and using a Luminance Mask.

Using A Color Mask to Adjust an Image
This video deals with selectively adjusting the color of an image by using a Color Mask.