Using MultScaleLinearTransform (MLT) for Sharpening and Nose Reduction!
This video introduces the MultiScaleLinearTransform (MLT) for sharpening and noise reduction!

Using the MultiScaleLinearTransform to Explore Wavelets
This video covers the use of the MultiScaleLinearTransform (MLT) process to explore wavelets layers in your image.
This is a follow-on video to the "Using the ExtractWaveletLayers Script to Explore Wavelets" video and introduces similar functionality in the more powerful MLT tool.
Stay Tuned for the next video in this series which will explore the use of MLT to do sharpening and noise reduction!

Exploring Wavelets Using ExtractWaveletLayers Script
This video covers - at a high level - the concept of Wavelet Layers as used in Pixinsight.
It also introduces the ExtractWaveletLayers script, which breaks your image into individual wavelet layers and the residual layer that are stretched and ready for viewing. With this tool, you can analyze what information can be found in each layer for your image. This can be helpful when determining processing strategies with tools that use layer information as inputs.