Exploring Wavelets Using ExtractWaveletLayers Script

2-Minute Tutorials

Feb 9, 2023

This video covers - at a high level - the concept of Wavelet Layers as used in Pixinsight.

It also introduces the ExtractWaveletLayers script, which breaks your image into individual wavelet layers and the residual layer - which are stretched and ready for viewing.

This tool is meant for visualization - the extracted layers are not suitable for additional processing - but one could imagine using them to create masks for layer-specific processing.

With this tool, you can analyze what information can be found in each layer for your image. This can be helpful when determining processing strategies with tools that use layer information as inputs.

WARNING: This tutorial is longer than others - the "2-Minute" name should be interpreted as "Shortish videos" rather than literally - especially in this case! :-)

Patrick A. Cosgrove

A retired technology geek leveraging his background and skills in Imaging Systems and Computers to pursue the challenging realm of Astrophotography. This has been a fascinating journey where Art and Technology confront the beauty and scale of a universe that boggles the mind…. It’s all about capturing ancient light - those whispering photons that have traveled long and far….


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