Imaging Projects
In this blog, I will share the results of all of my imaging projects. The newest will be at the top and the oldest will be further down the stack. Going back in time here is interesting - some of my early stuff was pretty rough - but I did not see it that way at the time - I was thrilled to get anything back that looked like an image! Hopefully, you will see how my work has progressed with time!

C/2020 F3 Comet Neowise
And now for something completely different. I don’t typically go after Solar System objects, but Comet Neowize blazed onto the scene during the Summer of 2020, and everyone who breathes air was asking me if I was going to shoot the comet. So I decided to make a half-assed effort to do that while I was talking other subs on the other scopes.

The Moon - July 1, 2020
The Moon. Best seen at full size. I took this shot on the night of 7-1-20. I don't normally do Moon or planet imaging, but I was tweaking part of my rig and the Moon as there ... so why not. The Moon was in its Waxing Gibbous phase and had an illumination of 83%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. On July 1, the Moon is 10.81 days old.

The Moon - 04-03-20 version
VI don't usually shoot planets or the Moon, but I was out last night with my Sony A7iii shooting with the Sony 100mm-400mm GM Zoom with the 1.4 Extender on it - all mounted on a heavy carbon fiber tripod, so I decided to take a shot at it...

Messier 45: The Pleiades and Venus - A Conjunction
Venus approaches M45 - the Pleiades star cluster. It's not very often that you can see a planet so close to a well-known star cluster, and since it was marginally clear last night, I decided to try capturing it. This was shot with my Sony A7iii shooting with the Sony 100mm-400mm GM Zoom with the 1.4 Extender on it. The entire rig was mounted on a heavy carbon fiber tripod. This is 30 x 1-second exposure at F/8, stacked in Deepsky Stacker and processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop.