Messier 57 - The Ring Nebula - First Version (2019)
Date: August 11, 2019
Cosgrove’s Cosmos Catalog ➤#0002
Messier 57 - The Ring Nebula - my very first try to capture in August of 2019 (click to enlarge)
About the Target
Messier 57, also known as NGC 6720, and the “Ring Nebula” is located about 2400 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. M57 is a planetary nebula - an expanding shell of gas and dust expelled by its star in the last stages of its life. The outer shell is expanding at a rate of ~one arcsecond per century. The blue-green color of the central area is due to doubly ionized oxygen.
Location in the Sky
IAU/Sky & Telescope Constellation Chart of Lyra with the location of the M57 indicated by a yellow arrow.
About the Project
M57 - The Ring Nebula. This is a tiny planetary nebula in Lyra. Probably too small for my imager scope and image scale. Not all that impressive, but I wanted to put it here to document progress later on...
Capture Details
Not recorded
Cal Frames
not recorded.
Capture Hardware
Scope: William Optics 132mm FLT F/7 APO
Guide Scope: Apterna 60mm
Camera: ZWO ASI294MC-Pro
Guide Camera: ZWO ASI290Mini
Mount: Ioptron CEM60Polar Alignment: Ioptron Ipolar integrated alignment cameras
Capture Software: Control: PHD2 Guider, Sequence Generator Pro controller
Image Processing: Deepsky Stacker, Photoshop, Coffee, extensive processing indecision and second-guessing, and much swearing…..
After much research, and a few phone calls to the helpful friendly folks at Highpoint Scientific , my first rig was on order! Within a week I had everything I needed to start doing astrophotography. But of course, I had no real clue how to actually do ANY of it. I barely knew how to put the pieces together much less make them work. This was the start of my journey.