Removing Gradients with DBE (OK - I really blew the 2-minute part big time!)
Using DBE to remove Gradients!
Warning. at almost 15 minutes, this is the world’s longest 2-Minute Tutorial!

Setting Up the New SpectroPhotometric Color Calibration (SPCC) Tool
This video demonstrates how to set up things in Pixinsight so that you can use the new SpectroPhotomoetric Color Calibration (SPCC) process.

Creating A Synthetic Luminance Image
This video deals with creating a Synthetic Luminance Image using the ImageIntegration process.
This is useful when you want a Lum vs. Color workflow and don't already have a luminance channel - Narrowband imaging is an excellent example of this.

Using DynamicCrop with Mono Images
This video covers using the DynamicCrop tool to trim the edges of Mono Master images after Pre-Processing.